Accurate measurements are imperative to the building of your frame. Our aim is to maximise your power output, this is only possible when your Kismet build is bespoke to fit you and you alone.
For this reason; we always advise to either visit our headquarters for a complete head-to-toe measuring process, or visiting a professional measuring service (many available both locally and nationwide, we can offer guidance if required).
Alternatively, by filling out the below form we can determine what bike size may be suitable for you. Our engineers will review your measurements and get back to you with a drawing of our recommended fit. Learn more about the stages that follow the bike fitting and measurement phase by visiting the 'Construction' page here:

If doing your own measurements, the following will be a useful guide. Ensure accuracy by asking somebody else to take your measurements, repeating each measurement 3 times to find and use the average is advised.
1. Height: Remove shoes. Stand up straight. Back to wall. Feet slightly apart (15cm).
2. Shoulder Width: Hands down to your side. Measure outside to outside of shoulders.
3. Arm Length: Stand with your arm at a 90Ëš angle. Measure from armpit (touching ribcage) to centre of your palm.
4. Torso: Stand up straight. Measure from the base of the sternal notch to the crotch.
5. Inseam: Accuracy crucial. Stand up straight. Back to a wall. Feet slightly apart (15cm). With a slight upward force to identify the underside of crotch, measure from this point straight to the floor in a vertical line.
6. Thigh: Kneel on floor so lower leg behind you at a 90Ëš angle. Measure from floor to crotch.
7. Lower Leg: Sit down so thigh is at a 90Ëš angle. Place flat object under thigh to ensure level. Measure from bottom of flat object to floor.
A. Bottom Bracket to Top of Saddle: Following the line of your seat post, measure in a straight line from the centre of the bottom bracket to the top of the saddle.
B. Horizontal Top Tube: Measuring horizontally, this is the distance between the centre of the seat post and the centre of the head tube. Not the actual top tube.
C. Head Tube Length: Measure from the base to the top of the head tube.